Monday, June 28, 2010

The Beer and Alcohol List

I'm going to be trying many new things abroad, one of which will be alcoholic beverages, and most notably, beers. This is a running list of the beers I have tried and my ratings of them.


1) Adnam's Bitter - (Draft, Pint) certainly bitter, but with a good hops flavor regardless, a darker beer. I hardly noticed it was room temperature. ****/*****
2) Greene King St. Edmund's - (Draft, Pint) served cool, darker than a pilsner, but with a similar, if heavier, flavor ****/*****
3) Greene King Abbot Ale - (Draft, Pint) also served cool, much darker and fuller tasting than St. Edmund's. It was not at all to my taste. *.5/*****
4) Everard's ______ Ale - (Draft, Pint) I can't recall the exact name, but it was a decent beer, just not that great. **/*****
5) Symond's Cider - (Draft, Pint) served cool, much more stout than Strongbow, though short of Magner's. Very tart, I liked it. ****.5/*****
6) Strongbow Cider - (Draft, Pint) served cool, actually a disappointment, it was watery and not nearly as tasty as the Symond's. I will avoid in the future. Sorry, Ian.


  1. Wow...not a bad start. Made the pro play and started dark/room temperature.

  2. I stand by English Strongbow. Watery is probably one of the last words I would have used to describe it. It is probably a safe bet that there was something wrong with the tap, but hey, to each his own. You gave it your best, and that is more than enough to ask.

    Never saw Symond's while we were there, but it sounds thoroughly awesome.

    I think I also agree with you on the Green King Ale. I believe we tried that in a pub outside of Saint Paul's, and both Lauren and I were not huge fans of it.

    Best of luck on your continued adventure.
