Monday, June 28, 2010
Photos From the First Day
King's College
A View from the Hill
Another, I felt sorry for the random British couple we interrupted with our noisy American tour group
There and Not Back Again, Yet
"I'm afraid not, I think I can dig something up from my profess-"
16 hrs PHTT.
I got my bag and found the National Express Coaches booth where people were delightfully friendly and helpful. I also tried to get on the internet thinking the airport may have free wi-fi. This, however, was not America, so I was locked out. The bus showed up an hour and a half later.
This was easily the single worst travel experience of my life. Half-starved and blind with exhaustion I just wanted to curl up in my seat and play Pokemon. Yes, Pokemon, Heart Gold for the DS, try it, you may enjoy it. I was soon defeated in this endeavor because the driver seemed determined to either flip the bus, or to at least push the limits of how quickly it could take the turns, of which there were several billion, for a rough estimate. Pun, anyone? I was motion sick, and decided I would try and stare out the window. This attempt earned me a seat mate and cramped quarters. I then capituatled to exhaustion and proceeded to nod off every 10 minutes or so until I was awakened by my head banging in to the window on one of the devilishly intrepid driver's hairpin turns. After another four hours (21.5 hrs PHTT), I got to Cambridge, and that was the important part.
Something about the massive lawn and old buildings I drove up to pushed away the memories of the trip. And after an amusing taxi ride with the man's family in the back seat (odd), I was at St. Edmunds and my study abroad began.
I will post some pictures that I took on the first day, including my room, my self, and some panoramas from the top of the hill where the old Norman castle used to be. My personal favorite is King's College that we saw the outside of on one of the group's sojourns.
There will be more to come, and don't worry. I'm delighted to be here, now. The trip was worth the reward and I'm incredibly excited.
Next Up: Lorn, Cyclist Extraordinaire, a look at the city and University of Cambridge
Also, see the Beer List for continued updates. Feel free to post suggestions as well.
The Beer and Alcohol List
1) Adnam's Bitter - (Draft, Pint) certainly bitter, but with a good hops flavor regardless, a darker beer. I hardly noticed it was room temperature. ****/*****
2) Greene King St. Edmund's - (Draft, Pint) served cool, darker than a pilsner, but with a similar, if heavier, flavor ****/*****
3) Greene King Abbot Ale - (Draft, Pint) also served cool, much darker and fuller tasting than St. Edmund's. It was not at all to my taste. *.5/*****
4) Everard's ______ Ale - (Draft, Pint) I can't recall the exact name, but it was a decent beer, just not that great. **/*****
5) Symond's Cider - (Draft, Pint) served cool, much more stout than Strongbow, though short of Magner's. Very tart, I liked it. ****.5/*****
6) Strongbow Cider - (Draft, Pint) served cool, actually a disappointment, it was watery and not nearly as tasty as the Symond's. I will avoid in the future. Sorry, Ian.